Hawaii's Best Selling... | TO STEAL A KINGDOM |
"The outstanding work on intolerance in North America." - The Gustavus Meyer Human Rights Award, 1997 | Acclaimed by Scholars |
Michael Dougherty, author of To Steal a Kingdom has written a book that has become essential reading for anyone who is serious about understanding the historical basis of today's Hawaiian sovereignty movement.Readers wondering why Hawaiians are angry with the government of the United States will find answers in To Steal a Kingdom. The prestigious Journal of American History proclaimed it, the University of Hawaii-Manoa, Hawaii's community colleges and American universities use it as a textbook. To Steal a Kingdom is a Hawaiiana best seller. Rowena Akana, Trustee Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Autographed copies Post Paid $15. ISBN 0-9633484-0-X Michael Dougherty Island Style Press 6950 Hawaii Kai Dr. #403 Honolulu, HI 96825 808-396-0665 |
From the bicentennial of Capt. James Cook's momentus voyages in the Pacific, to the centennial of Hawaii's revolution of 1893, scholars have been reassessing Western presence in the Pacific. Like the tradewinds blowing... To Steal a Kingdom brings a breath of fresh air to Hawaiian studies, where missionary filial piety has been conspicuous. Voices harmonizing with Dougherty include Herman Melville, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain and Queen Liliuokalani. They and indigenous Hawaiians who they championed, are the heros of this book. The villains are American missionary/businessmen who nearly wiped out the Hawaiian people and their culture. [In] its questioning of the process by which much of Hawaiian history has been written... lies the signal contribution of this important work.Thomas J. Osborne
Professor and Author
"Empire Can Wait," American Opposition to Hawaiian Annexation 1893-98
To Steal a Kingdom is a powerful indictment of the western intrusion on Hawaii. It is an angry and powerful book. Angry at rapacious and greedy westerners and sorry for the effect on Hawaiians, but stops short of being polemic. There are moments withing which humanize, and even romanticize, the people who populate it. It is an epic tale with high and low moments of humanity.James McCutcheon
Professor of History and American Studies
University of Hawaii, Manoa
Based upon archival sources and never before published material, To Steal a Kingdom documents the character and actions of the men who sired the elite who rule Hwaii today. Successful, until now, in stealing a kingdom, the descendants have insured that historians would not describe these men as they were. This book should awaken readers to the fact that myths have been passed off as Hawaiian history by haole historians.Stephen T. Boggs
Emeritus Professor of Anthropology
University of Hawaii, Manoa
As James Michener discovered, no spot on earth has attracted a richer cast of characters that Hawaii. In To Steal a Kingdom these people come alive as they never did for Michener, principally because they are portrayed as living flesh and blood. I've read all the histories of Hawaii that I could find, and think that Dougherty's is the best researched and documented of the lot. As one who treasures what remains of Hawaiian culture, I was overcome with sadness and aroused by anger.Jerry Hopkins
Author - No One Here Gets Out Alive
To Steal a Kingdom is a nightmarish walk through history with the missionary/businessmen who forced Hawaii into the whirlpool of Manifest Destiny. Curious, open and critical readers will welcome Dougherty's timely, provocative probing of Hawaii's past.Kekuni Blaisdell, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Past Director Center for Hawaiian Studies
University of Hawaii, Manoa