by Ann Botticelli
Hawaiian sovereignty activist Dennis "Bumpy" Kanahele came outof four months of federal incarceration yesterday, hinting that he willsoften his hard-line stance for Hawaiian independence and work with opposingsovereignty groups.
"It's almost as if this incarceration has made me be very consideratefor every Hawaiian's rights, their views, whether it be mainstream or grass-roots,"said Kanahele, 41, who said he'd unveil some "surprises" at anews conference this morning.
Kanahele said his detention may have brought about an end to the factionalismthat's plagued the Hawaiian sovereignty movement.
"This is not about Bumpy. It was just an instrument in probably gettingus all put together and I think that's going to happen," Kanahele said.
"We have a foundation now, to start from."
Kanahele, wearing a purple T-shirt, blue jeans and blinding white runningshoes, walked out of federal court after posting a $50,00 signature bond.His family and supporters greeted him with leis and a Hawaiian takeout lunch.
Federal Judge David Ezra ruled Monday that Kanahele could stay at MillerHale halfway house on the slopes of Punchbowl while awaiting a second trialin January. He is charged with harboring convicted tax protester NathanBrown and allegedly thwarting two attempts to arrest Brown last year.
Kanahele was held without bail since his arrest Aug. 2. He stood trial onthe charges last month, but a mistrial was declared over the jury's deadlockand one juror's misconduct.
At Monday's hearing, Hawaiian leaders with opposing views on sovereigntysupported Kanahele's release, saying he is neither a danger to the communitynor a flight risk.
Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee Kinau'u Kamali'i and OHA staff memberLinda Delaney each lent Kanahele $1,000 to cover a month's worth of expensesat Miller Hale. Judge Ezra said yesterday he hopes a federally funded roomwill become available by them.
Under Ezra's ruling, Kanahele must stay nights at Miller Hale.
Kanahele is free to travel about Oahu during the day--but he will not beallowed to set foot in Waimanalo, where he has a family homestead and wheresupporters of the self-proclaimed Nation of Hawaii have established a settlement.
"My heart's sore from not going back (to Waimanalo), but it's worthit," Kanahele said. "Waimanalo is in my heart. It ain't ever goingaway."
When asked if he still rejects U.S. jurisdiction over his nation, Kanaheledeferred to his attorney, Hayden Aluli.
Aluli said his client reserves the right to challenge the federal court'sjurisdiction at any time, but will abide by Ezra's order that he returnto face trail in January.
"I gotta," Kanahele agreed. "I gotta." Return to the Nationof Hawai`i Home Page, the News Articles Index,or the Political Prisoner page