To Hawaiian Sovereignty and Culture Resources on the Web
(Note: The Nation of Hawai`i does not necessarily endorse nor agree with the contents of any of the following sites, but offers these links as a service for our users to access related information.)
Let us know if you have any suggestions or if links here seem broken... exec@hawaii-nation.org
Note: Images are "clickable" hotlinks

Hawaiian Kingdom
Website of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government presently operating within the occupied State of the Hawaiian Islands.

Ulukau: The Hawaiian Electronic Library
Journal of Hawaiian Language Resources, Hawaiian Newspapers, The Hawaiian Bible, Hawaiian Dictionaries, and Kamehameha and his Warrior Kekuhaupi'o
The Annexation Of Hawaii: A Collection of Documents
From UH Hamilton Library's Digital Archive
Weblog on Hawaiian independence with article/event links and commentary (by the maintainer of this site).
Educational resources on Hawaiian history and sovereignty, with a unique presentation of the Apology Resolution.
Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen
Full text and images at 'A Celebration of Women Writers' web site
Ka Lei Maile Ali`i Hawaiian Civic Club
Organized in 2003 to honor the Life and Work of Queen Lili`uokalani by presenting education and cultural forums such as public programs, music, stories, mele, oli, language, values and re-authentication of the Queen's Voice; and by preserving and sharing of information about the Queen through publications, research, repatriation and creation of an archive available to all.

"Online Voice for the Kingdom of Hawaii"

`Iolani Palace
Official residence of King Kalakaua from 1882 until his death in 1891
and of his sister-successor, Queen Lili`uokalani, until the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893 - maintained by Friends of `Iolani Palace

Hawaii Historical Society
The Hawaiian Historical Society, founded in 1892, is dedicated to preserving historical materials relating to Hawai`i and the Pacific region and to publishing scholarly research on Hawaiian and Pacific history. Web site has extensive resources online, and links to other archival web sites.

KAHEA is an alliance of Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) cultural practitioners, environmental activists and others concerned about cultural rights and our fragile environment.

Directory of Hawaiian Cultural Websites
Comprehensive Hawaiian cultural directory, created for visitors to Maui to increase cultural sensativity, but useful for locals as well, containing links to numerous sites, with helpful commentary, in various subject categories, including language, music, voyaging and sovereignty

Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Although OHA is an agency of the illegal State of Hawaii, they have some valuable programs for the betterment of the lives of the Hawaiian people.

OHA's Native Hawaiian Data Books
has useful statistics on health, education, land, housing, etc.

Hawaiian Feather Lei
Lei Hulu - Traditional Hawaiian Feather Leis fashioned after those worn by Hawaiian ali'i, by Tetura Designs
Hawaiian Music, Language and Technology. With A Dash of Ethnomusicology.

Community based non-commercial radio station on Kaua`i island, playing Hawaiian and other music.
Navigation in the Information Age
An Exploration of the Potential Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Sustainability and Self-Determination in Hawai`i, 1996, by Christopher Cogswell and Ulrik Schiøtz
Roles of Non-Hawaiians in the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement
A Political Science Masters Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Division of the University of Hawai'i, August 1996, By Anthony Castanha

Protect Kaho'olawe 'Ohana
Information on the Island of Kaho'olawe, which is managed as a Hawaiian cultural reserve for eventual transfer to the sovereign Hawaiian nation, provided by the Protect Kaho'olawe 'Ohana.

Kaho`olawe Island Reserve Commission

Na Maka O Ka 'Aina
Over 55 videos on Hawaiian culture, history, sovereignty, environment, land struggles, and the visual and performing arts, featuring: AlohaQuest, ACT OF WAR: The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation and We Are Who We Were: From Resistance to Affirmation.

Hawaii's Last Queen
The American Experience on PBS TV, 1997

Ha'i Mo'olelo - Hawaiian Storyteller
Uncle Charlie Kauluwehi Maxwell of Maui shares Hawaiian culture, with an interactive discussion area

Polynesian Voyaging Society
Information about the Hokule`a, the Hawai`iloa, and the Makali`i,
double hulled voyaging canoes in the style of the ancients.

Bishop Museum
Historical and scientific exhibits relating to the culture and environment of Hawai`i,
Hale Kuamo`o
Kualono is the Home Page of the `Olelo Hawai`i Language Program
at the University of Hawai`i at Hilo
Kopahela: Hale Kuamo`o's Hawaiian language gopher server
Learn the Hawaiian Language for Free

Coconut Info
"Hawaiian culture software solutions," including fonts, language tutorials, dictionary, place names, and clip art

East Maui Taro Festival
Annual event in Hana, Maui, centered around taro, Hawaii's traditional staple food, celebrating the restoration of Hawaiian cultural traditions though music, hula, arts, crafts, food, and more...
Moku`ula - Lahaina's Sacred Isle
Buried under a baseball field and parking lot in West Maui is one of Hawai`i's most significant archeological finds, the center of ali`i residence when Lahaina was the capital of the Kingdom.

Hana Cultural Center & Museum
Research, discovery, and preservation of historical and cultural items, places, and information concerning the district of Hana, Maui, Hawaii. Includes info for visitors to Hana.

Hawaii Health Guide
Includes resources for traditional Hawaiian healing modalities such as lomi lomi and ho'oponopono.

'Ahahui Malama i ka Lokahi
Native Hawaiians for the preservation of Hawaii's ecosystems

A Green Hawai`i: Sourcebook for Alternative Development
The late UH Professor Ira Rohter's A Green Hawai`i: Sourcebook for Development Alternatives (1992) offers both an in-depth analysis of Hawai`i's problems and a comprehensive set of creative solutions for a self-sufficient and sustainable future for our islands. Learn more and order the book, and also read some of Prof. Rohter's essays on alternative economics for Hawaii, eco-tourism, citizen based democracy, and more.

Maui Tomorrow
A non-profit citizens' initiative advocating ecologically and economically sustainable development for Maui County, with a focus on beach/open space preservation, community planning, and growth management.

Hana Coast Gallery
In Old Hana Town on the Island of Maui, Hawaii, "The Most Hawaiian Place" ...one of the most highly acclaimed and respected art galleries in the Hawaiian Islands. Serving as a distinctive showcase of original island art and mastercrafts, the Hana Coast Gallery seeks to reflect the beauty and heritage of the people and place of the Hawaiian Islands ... new multi-media art from Old Hawaii.

Polynesian Cultural Center
"All the Spirit of the Islands. All in One Place."

Maui Natural Resources Management and Research Home Page
Information on the watershed which produces most of Maui's water and contains a high diversity of indigenous species

Haleakala National Park
was established on the island of Maui to preserve the outstanding features of Haleakala Crater and Kipahulu Valley (also see : http://www.haleakala.national-park.com)

Hawaii Volcano Observatory
Provided by the United States Geological Survey, with Volcano Watch newsletter, eruption and lava flow reports, and epicenter maps

University of Hawai`i
Information about the University and its programs, with links to a range of useful Web Servers there.
Hawaii State Public Library System
Guide to Resources and Services

Pacific Resources for Education and Learning
PREL serves the educational community with quality programs, services, and products developed to promote educational excellence. We work throughout school systems, from classroom to administration, and collaborate routinely with governments, communities, and businesses. Above all, we specialize in multicultural and multilingual environments.

Spark Matsunage Institute for Peace
At the University of Hawai`i, the Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace is an academic community designed to explore, develop and share knowledge of peace through teaching, research, publication, and public service

Center for World Indigenous Studies
Advancing Cooperation and Consent Between Nations
Fourth World Documentation Project documents from Oceania

International Indian Treaty Council
The IITC is an organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, South America and the Pacific working for the Sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples and the protection of their human rights, cultures, and sacred lands. IITC is an NGO with Consultative Status at the United Nations.